Association between transfusion and mortality | Haemosafety

Association between transfusion and mortality

An important study on mortality in patients recipients of red blood cell transfusion has recently been published in the international journal JAMA. This research, conducted in the Netherlands on 31,118 patients transfused with 59,320 blood units, showed an increased mortality in males receiving transfusions from female donors with history of pregnancy. The cause of this association is to be found in the transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI).

JAMA. 2017 Oct 17;318(15):1471-1478. doi: 10.1001/jama.2017.14825.

Association of Blood Transfusion From Female Donors With and Without a History of Pregnancy With Mortality Among Male and Female Transfusion Recipients.

Caram-Deelder C1,2, Kreuger AL1,2, Evers D1,3, de Vooght KMK4, van de Kerkhof D5, Visser O6, Péquériaux NCV7, Hudig F8, Zwaginga JJ1,3, van der Bom JG1,2, Middelburg RA1,2.