Patients affected by severe hemophilia A and B must be treated with plasmaderived or...
A recent study published in Molecular Psychiatry has shown for the first time that...
An important study on mortality in patients recipients of red blood cell transfusion has...
The work of Urwin reports the first two cases of Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in...
After the Chikungunya outbreak in 2007 in Italy, a national Plan for the surveillance...
The most important and prevalent inherited bleeding disorders are hemophilia A and B, rare...
The Spallanzani Institute has isolated the Chikungunya virus strain responsible for the infection in...
WHO, the World Health Organization, has issued a Web-based statement warning foreign tourists of...
Chagas Diesease or American Tripanosomiasis is a disease transmitted by Tripanosoma Cruzii, endemic in...
Given the devastating complications, serious fetal abnormalities and autoimmune peripheral polyneuropathy caused by Zika...