Gene therapy for haemophilia A and B, from basic principles to clinical implementation: An illustrated review

With recent approval of the first two gene therapies for haemophilia A and B, educational materials about AAV-based gene therapy are needed by the haemophilia community for a better understanding of this novel therapeutic approach and helping healthcare providers and patients making personalized choices amongst an increasing array of therapeutic options.

To provide a comprehensive summary of the whole process of AAV-based gene therapy from basic principles to clinical implementation through an illustrated review

The authors, with expertise in and knowledge about gene therapy for haemophilia A and B, reviewed relevant articles from PubMed database and translated them into illustrations.

The review is divided into eight illustrated sections providing an overview of gene therapy for haemophilia A and B from haemophilia basics and current treatment landscape, principles of the AAV-based liver-directed gene therapy, through exploring the efficacy and safety results of published phase III clinical trials, current and future challenges, to implementation in clinical practice, including the hub and spoke models and the patient journey.

This illustrated review educates healthcare professionals on AAV-based gene therapy for haemophilia A and B enabling them to further educate their peers and their patients.

Site / Data. Haemophilia.2024;30:5–15.

Title   Gene therapy for haemophilia A and B, from basic principles to clinical implementation: An illustrated review

Authors  Cihan Ay, Laurent Frenzel, Karen Pinachyan, Sandra Le Quellec